Juliette Rayner

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Chief Executive

I am passionate that children and young people have the tools and opportunities they need to thrive. I am proud to be working with a committed and talented team of staff and volunteers doing their very best to support children with bladder and bowel conditions so that they can a full life, regardless of any bladder or bowel issue they may face.

Since I joined ERIC in 2015 we’ve had many highs and lows. The biggest challenge by far has been the impact of the Covid pandemic, which I know has taken its toll on so many of us in different ways. Thankfully with the support of our community, we weathered the storm of 2020.

The ERIC team has worked hard to modernise our services for children and families, moved our training for professionals online and welcomed new volunteers enabling us to reach more people than ever before via the helpline service.

Before venturing into the voluntary and community sector, I spent many years working in the public sector in roles at national, regional and community level.

Much of my policy and partnership experience has helped as in June 2020 I took on the role of co-chair of the Paediatric Continence Forum, an independent national campaign group. I also Chair the Paediatric and Transition workstream on the NHS England led National Bladder and Bowel Project and also Chair the Children’s Group on the Bladder and Bowel Confidence Health Integration Team programme led by Bristol Health Partners.

As ERIC has become increasingly involved in collaborative projects not only am I able to contribute the experiences of families that have come to ERIC for support, but I am also heartened that so many professionals and organisations all working together to achieve the same goal – achieve the best outcomes for the children and young people needing our care.

Follow me on Twitter @JulietteR9k.

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