Carol Joinson

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Professor of Developmental Psychology, University of Bristol

Carol Joinson is a Professor of Developmental Psychology at the University of Bristol. Her research involves the application of epidemiological methods to examine developmental disorders and mental health problems in children and young people.

She started researching paediatric continence problems in 2004 when she was working as a researcher on a joint project between ERIC and University of Bristol. Since then, her interest in this topic has grown because she recognises the impact that continence problems have on mental health.

She previously led a major study funded by the Medical Research Council (MRC) to examine risk factors and outcomes associated with continence problems in children and young people. She has also led projects to develop a smartphone app for young people with daytime urinary incontinence ( and to design materials (in collaboration with ERIC) for teachers to improve support for young people with continence problems at secondary schools.

She is currently leading a study funded by the MRC to examine bidirectional relationships between mental health and incontinence and to identify the causal mechanisms that underlie these relationships.

She regularly collaborates with ERIC and is a member of the Paediatric Continence Forum.

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