Help with toileting

Last Reviewed: March 2023

On this page you will find a selection of resources to watch, read or download at home to share with your child.

Tips for relaxing toilet sits

Watch one of our Family Service advisors talk through advice and tips for making toilet time a more relaxing and enjoyable experience for your child.

This is a 30 minute recording of a webinar recorded in October 2023.

Webinar: Toilet training for children with additional needs

Social script

Social scripts are a communication strategy to help support children's understanding of events, social situations and more. They help describe what to do and promote independence.

They are always positive and avoid placing blame on an individual.

Social scripts can provide a positive and clear way of describing going to the toilet, reducing frustrations and supporting your child's understanding.

You can download, print and personalise for your child by using your own photos and language that you use with your child.

There are 6 pages to print, on single sides. The flash cards can be cut out and stuck to card or laminated.

Social story graphic. Cartoon child doing thumbs up sign with caption saying "when i use the toilet i stay dry and clean and that makes me happy"

Visual schedule

Visual schedules are a great way to help children become more independent in using the potty or toilet.

Sequencing multiple steps of an activity can be a challenge for children with communication difficulties, therefore visual schedules help to display these in a clear way.

Download the schedules below to use at home to provide each step of the sequence needed for using a toilet, starting from undressing and going through to washing hands.

There are different variations of visual schedules for using the toilet and the potty.

images from visual schedule

Visual aids

Visual aids can be a helpful way to cue children to go to the toilet or potty.

They can be useful for children who have communication difficulties or are still learning to communicate.

Download and print this set of flash cards. These can be customised and coloured in at home by your child.

Green potty graphic and the word Potty

These free resources have been created by speech and language therapist, Laura Black from April Cottage Therapies.

Social Story

Social stories can help children understand why they need to do things. They should be relevant to the individual child and tailored towards their interests, level of understanding and the difficulties they experience.

The concept of Social Stories was developed by Carol Gray. One of ERIC's Trustees, Dr Eve Fleming, has created a social story about understanding how children can learn to use the toilet.

painting of children playing with a ball


This episode of the ERIC Helpline Podcast features Fiona, a Paediatric Bladder & Bowel Specialist Nurse with many years' experience and a huge passion for helping children with additional needs to toilet train.

Fiona gives tips and advice about helping disabled children achieve continence.

This is a 14 minute listen.

Read the transcript of this podcast episode and get links to the resources that are signposted by Fiona.

Guidance on using nappies, pull-ups and pads

This short factsheet contains guidance on storing and fitting nappies, pull-ups and pads, with using appropriate creams, knowing when to change a nappy and increasing the absorbency of products.

This information applies to babies and toddlers as well as older children and teens.

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