Our new partnership with Essity

We are proud to announce our new partnership with Essity.

Through Essity’s Cushelle and Velvet brands, together we will shine a light on the importance of talking openly about good bladder and bowel health from birth.  

Look out for our logo appearing on Cushelle and Velvet toilet roll packaging, with links signposting to our handy poo and wee checkers!

Essity and ERIC partnership 

Through our partnership, Essity will donate £20,000 from its Cushelle and Velvet toilet roll brands so that ERIC can: 

  • Reach more families across the UK with free information and support 
  • Empower everyone involved in the care of children to know what’s normal when it comes to children’s wee and poo from birth 
  • Ensure that all children and teenagers can enjoy a healthy and happy life regardless of any bowel or bladder issue they face. 

Why is this important? 

Around a million children and young people in the UK are affected by a bowel or bladder condition including constipation, soiling and wetting accidents and bedwetting.  

The embarrassment and shame surrounding these continence problems, means that many young people and their families suffer in silence with no-one to turn to. 

Battling a wetting or soiling problem can ruin a young person’s life. Living in constant fear of the next accident, particularly if it happens at school or with friends. 

Many affected children struggle with anxiety, depression and low self-esteem.  

Because of their condition, children and young people miss out on school trips, sports days and sleepovers. Many struggle with their education, missing school because of their health issues. 

The difference ERIC makes  

ERIC is on a mission to get everyone talking openly about good bladder and bowel health from birth.  

We want to raise awareness of what good bowel bladder health looks like and equip families with information to spot when things are going wrong.  

Identifying wee and poo problems early, and treating them, will prevent a soiling, wetting or constipation problem becoming more serious and long-term. 

The majority of children’s bowel and bladder conditions are treatable. And the impact of getting the right support and information to deal with a wee or poo difficulty can be dramatic. 

The sooner that families can access the right support, the sooner the strain on family life is lifted and the sooner children and young people are freed to achieve their full potential. 

It can take just one Helpline call or website visit to make the biggest difference to a child. A 30-minute phone call with an ERIC advisor can give parents the knowledge they need to tackle underlying conditions like constipation, tools to help their child use the toilet and all the emotional support they need to address their child’s continence issues and avoid years of their child feeling anxious, ashamed and isolated. 

ERIC’s CEO Juliette Rayner says:  

“We are delighted to be partnering with Essity via their Cushelle and Velvet brands in support of ERIC’s mission to get everyone talking openly about good bladder and bowel health from birth.  

We want all families to be able to freely access the right information and support so they can quickly spot and get the right treatment for common problems such as constipation.   

We are confident that together ERIC and Essity can make a huge difference to children’s lives.” 

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